Wednesday 30 October 2013

Holiday buys from Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik's old town - you might know it better as King's Landing in Game of Thrones!

I recently returned from a great week's holiday in Dubrovnik, Croatia. As you can see it's a beautiful town and there is plenty to do, I would definitely recommend it as a holiday destination! Always on the look out for some crafty buys I spent some kuna in the local markets, here are my Croatian purchases.

This canvas picture is of Dubrovnik's old town at sunset, bought from a street seller for about £20. I took lots of photos of the sunset (we had a prefect view from our apartment) so I am planning to paint one myself - watch this space.

I bought this necklace from a small shop in one of the narrow streets for about £10. I love the colour and have a bracelet and earrings already in the same stone so I can mix and match.

Here are some more holiday snaps to make you jealous! I wish I could go back...

The view of the old town from our apartment

The port on a sunny day

The sun setting over Dubrovnik's old town

Me attempting to climb some of the many steps on the island of Lopud

Sunday 6 October 2013

Customised maxi skirt


I am off on hols soon to sunny (hopefully) Dubrovnik in Croatia and in preparation I decided to give my maxi skirt a bit of a facelift. I enjoy customising my clothes, especially high street garments, so I have an individual piece that no one else will be wearing! The idea for this customisation came from skirts I've seen in the shops, but rather than buy a new one I decided to alter a maxi skirt I've already got - waste not, want not!

First I lay the skirt flat and marked out the curve I wanted. It took a few attempts to get a symmetrical shape that fell nicely when the skirt was on! I measured and marked the curve with tailor's chalk (remember to leave a hem) and then cut away the excess fabric.
 Turn the hem under and pin. Be careful to check the skirt still hangs nicely as the pleats at the waistband mean the fabric isn't straight.
 I decided to carry the curve on around the side seams because the skirt looked a bit strange if I didn't! Again, be careful to make the curve symmetrical.
 I then simply sewed the hem using a machine running stitch. The skirt originally had a double stitched hem so I decided to do the same. Finally, rub off the chalk and press the skirt.

Et voilĂ , an individual curved maxi skirt (modelled beautifully by moi!) that I can wear on holiday safe in the knowledge that no one else will have the same one!